> 黑客有关的ppt(黑客有关的书)_经验_正规黑客联系方式【八卦黑客网】私人黑客在线接单【24小时专业靠谱】





站内发消息给我,26页,英文的PPT。 在网上很好找啊,用google搜索hacker就行了 he term "hacker" has a number of different meanings.


he term "hacker" has a number of different meanings. Several subgroups with different attitudes and aims use different terms to demarcate themselves from each other, or try to exclude some specific group with which they do not agree. In a computer security context, it is often synonymous with a computer intruder.

Paul A. Taylor quotes Steven Levy when describing the hacker ethic as:[7]

1. All information should be free;

2. Mistrust authority--promote decentralization;

3. Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position;

4. You can create art and beauty on a computer; and

5. Computers can change your life for the better.

It is common among hackers to use aliases for the purpose of concealing identity, rather than revealing their real names. Members of the network hacking scene are often being stereotypically described as crackers by the academic hacker subculture, yet see themselves as hackers and even try to include academic hackers in what they see as one wider hacker culture, a view harshly rejected by the academic hacker subculture itself. Instead of a hacker – cracker dichotomy, they give more emphasis to a spectrum of different categories, such as white hat (“ethical hacking”), grey hat, black hat and script kiddie. In contrast to the academic hackers, they usually reserve the term cracker to refer to black hat hackers, or more generally hackers with unlawful intentions.






PPT?能不能说明白一点啊?你确定你说的是PPT , 巨硬公司的那个PowerPoint? 它能做黑客帝国? 你说的是做一个黑客帝国的PPT吗?老实说 不知道你问什么 我勉强回答一下吧 希望你能来追问 说详细一点 我也好帮你解答啊如果做?去网上下一些黑客帝国的图和资料 做ppt肯定需要这些吧 你要背景音乐的话就下背景音乐吧 背景音乐建议你去电驴里面找黑客帝国原声带 那里最全且没有病毒 在网页找不好找全 我也是电驴下的 然后根据你的喜欢做一个PPT 如果你不会做PPT那我帮不了你了 你说到音乐 我想你是想知道你手头上的黑客帝国PPT里的音乐要怎么弄出来吗? 如果PPT加了音乐一般幻灯片上都有小喇叭的 对小喇叭点右键 很容易找到音乐文件的位置的 PPT的音乐都是通过电脑里链接上去的 不会和PPT融为一体的 如果你的PPT有音乐 那么你得到这个PPT的时候肯定文件夹里带有这个音乐的


  • avatar
    瑰颈吝吻 2022-07-15 上午 05:06:59

    hackers and even try to include academic hackers in what they see as one wider hacker culture, a view harshly re

  • avatar
    边侣海夕 2022-07-15 上午 12:08:46

    巨硬公司的那个PowerPoint? 它能做黑客帝国? 你说的是做一个黑客帝国的PPT吗?老实说 不知道你问什么 我勉强回答一下吧 希望你能来追问 说详细一点 我也好帮你解答啊如果做?去网上下一些黑客帝
