> 2010王者荣耀最火的英文歌(王者荣耀英文歌曲叫什么)_分享_正规黑客联系方式【八卦黑客网】私人黑客在线接单【24小时专业靠谱】





就叫this is our time,歌手是Hidden citizens和Ranya,在网易云里面就可以搜的到


All For Love (with Rod Stewart and Sting) - Bryan Adams

When it's love you give

(I'll be a man of good faith )

Then in love you live

(I'll make a stand I won't break )

I'll be the rock you can build on'

Be there when you're old'

To have and to hold

When there's love inside

(I swear I'll always be strong )

Then there's a reason why

(I'll prove to you we belong )

I'll be the wal that protects you

From the wind and the rain'

From the hurt and pain

Let's make it all for one and all for love

Let the one you hold be the one you want'

The one you need'

'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all

When there's someone that should know

Then just let your feelings show

And make it all for one and all for love

When it's love you make

(I'll be the fire in your night )

Then it's love you take

(I will defend' I will fight )

I'll be there when you need me

When honor's at stake'

This vow I will make:

That it's all for one and all for love

Let the one be the one you want'

The one you need'

'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all

When there's someone that should know

Then just let your feelings show

And make it all for one and all for love

Don't lay our love to rest

'Cause we could stand up to you test

We got everything and more than we had planned'

More than the rivers that run the land

We've got it all in our hands

Now it's all for one and all for love

(It's all for love )

Let the one you hold be the one you want'

The one you need'

'Cause when it's all for one it's one for all

(It's one for all )

When there's someone that should know

Then just let your feelings show

When there's someone that you want'

When there's someone that you need

Let's make it all' all for one and all for love


根据描述,出自《Victory》,是Two Steps From Hell (地狱咫尺)的单曲,收录于《Battlecry》专辑。


谱    曲 Thomas Bergersen(托马斯·伯格森)

编    曲 Thomas Bergersen(托马斯·伯格森)

From far away那遥远的地方 In mountains deep 在大山深处

The night of blood 血色的夜晚 In twilight sleep 睡眼朦胧中

The armies fight 军队在战斗这 For king and queen 为了国王和王后

There will be no 那里将 No victory 没有胜利

The swords collide 利刃相撞 With power and force 充满了力量

As mighty men 如勇士一般 Show no remorse 毫无悔意

It is the time 时辰已到  The snow is melting 雪正在融化

It is the time 时辰已到

Of reckoning 清算





Two Steps from Hell / 两步逃离地狱(又名 地狱边缘、地狱咫尺、两步逃离地狱、逃陷地域)成立于2006年3月,总部设于美国加州洛杉矶,是一家专业的音乐制作公司。

Two Steps from Hell 是由尼克·菲尼克斯和托马斯·J·柏格森共同创办,他们创作的音乐类型属于SOUND TRACK(原声配乐),而现在此公司属于HANS ZIMMER (汉斯季莫) 旗下的RC公司所拥有。

雨好像停了in my dream什么歌?

雨好像停了in my dream是抖音的热歌,雨好像停了,由Jauve AUS演唱。



In my dreams。

I feel your light。

I feel love is born again。

Fireflies,In the moonlight。

Rising stars,Remember。

The day,I fell in love with you。

Darling wonapos;t you break。

这首歌是王者荣耀英雄“澜”的同人歌曲,“雨,好像停了”就是他的一句台词。 其实这句话没有什么特殊的含义,就是字面意思。不过因为最近抖音很多人都在用“雨好像停了”这首歌做视频的bgm,而且都是一些略带伤感的视频,让网友觉得很有感觉,所以也让这句话火了起来。




  • avatar
    笙沉二奴 2022-10-25 下午 12:43:13

    the one you want'The one you need''Cause when it's all for one it's one for all When there's someone that should

  • avatar
    俗野沐白 2022-10-25 下午 02:36:11

    love Let the one you hold be the one you want'The one you need''Cause when it's all for one it's one for all When
